Saturday, January 17, 2015

Desire. A Weekend Rant.

‘Whatever else we are, no matter how much of a mess we may have made of our lives, it is always possible to tap into the part of the soul that is universal, the infinite field of pure potential, and change the course of our destiny.’

I stumbled upon the book, 'The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire' (for obvious reasons) as I was loitering in one of the used book sections at Tattered Cover on Colfax. It was no coincidence that I was having a spontaneous moment of desire when I found it - ha.

Anyway, the book is 'connecting dots' in many ways for me - but when I read this above quote I ripped the bottom corner of the page to be certain I wouldn't forget where I read it.

I work with kids and I want to know this statement is true because it makes sense as to why I would even show up to do this 'job' I have. What's more - I want it for myself. For a person to think that their job with children is to teach them what's true and right because you have it mastered, is a set up for perpetual failure and reinforcement of all things that are so grossly incongruent with what we know as truth when we allow ourselves to be okay with a deeper space of unknowing (which oddly - or not oddly at all - seems to be the space where we know).

That was a mouthful. I think it might have something to do with being open to the humility of true humanity - when we surrender to not knowing...we somehow know.

In almost any moment it seems we have this incredible opportunity to explore our inner world. To do this we would have to access a certain stillness. If up to 95% of our conditioned patterns of behavior are housed in the subconscious, and the subconscious is housed in the body (ie. not the brain/mind), it seems very unlikely that we could shift our external perceptions and create meaningful change without first allowing to intimately know ourselves from a deeper space within.

The more we look for external ways to access this inner relationship, the more disappointing it can become. Developing a trust in our own wisdom and intuition related to this inner experience will undoubtedly lead to the knowledge and understandings that truly resonate with our own uniqueness - and then somehow the expression of that uniqueness mysteriously contributes to this interconnected web of all meaning and truth.

Who am I to say such things? 
Hm. Not sure.
The motivation to say such things is to stop the non-sensical repetition of a life script where we are largely pitted against one another, and most sadly, against our 'self'.
If you ask anyone what they truly desire my guess is the answer would be a variation of the word 'happy.'
What is our greatest resource?
Human potential.
Where is it located?
Most likely not outside of the 'self.'